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Dalal Corn Oil 1Ltr
KD 0.950
Dalal Corn Oil 1Ltr
Corn Oil
With vitamins A, D and E
High MUFA and PUFA and also has the highest an..
Dalal Ghee 1Ltr
KD 0.790
Dalal Ghee 1Ltr
Pure Vegetable Ghee
100% Pure ghee
Unhydrogenated palm oil fortified with vitamins(a..
Dalal Corn Oil 2Ltr
KD 1.745
Dalal Corn Oil 2Ltr
Pure corn oil for a healthy cooking
Reduces Cholestrol for those who needs light..
Dalal Sunflower Oil 2Ltr
KD 1.650
Dalal Sunflower Oil 2Ltr
Pure Sunflower Oil
Light and healthy for cooking
for Cooking, Frying, Bakin..
Dalal Vegetable Ghee 2Kg
KD 1.490
Dalal Vegetable Ghee 2Kg
100% Non Hydrogenated Vegetable Ghee
The highest quality produced by the f..
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 (1 Pages)